Paul Spencer Sifu had his first experience with the martial arts in Karate in 1975 at the age of 7. He only stayed for a few months… as he was not able to appreciate the methods used in the training, although he was still left with an interest in the martial arts.
Paul’s next encounter with the martial arts was at the age of 15 in Lau Gar Kung Fu, under the instructorship of Sifu Neville Wray in Romford. He spent a number of years training, gaining his blue sash, but ended up leaving due to work commitments.
In 1986 Paul then joined a Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan class in Dagenham, instructed by Sifu John Ding. He trained for around 2 years, but found that the internal approach to training was not really for him.
Then in November 1990 while at college in Grays, Paul saw an advert for Wing Chun Kung Fu and after reading up about this style of martial art, believed that this might be the style for him. Paul went along to the beginners’ intake and was impressed by Master James Sinclair’s expert explanations and teaching and knew this was the style for him.
15 years later and Paul is still a student of Master James Sinclair, currently attending training at UKWCKFA Headquarters in Rayleigh, with the UKWCKFA’s other senior students.
Paul has also attended instructor training classes since 2000 and has progressed from Probationary Instructor in 2001 to Sifu in 2008 after passing the bench mark; ‘Intermediate Level Test’ and having his own students pass the ‘Siu Nim Tao’ test.
In 2008 Paul was also appointed a Permanent Member of the Ving Tsun Athletic Association and recognised as a Ving Tsun Kung Fu Instructor.
In 2003 Paul also spent a short time, training with Sensei Lee Catling in his grappling based Jiu-jitsu, ‘Progressive Combat Club’ gaining his green belt. Paul gave this up due to life commitments but his heart still lies in Wing Chun.
Paul holds the CertEd teaching qualification. He also regularly has CRB checks due to his current job as a college lecturer in construction.